Insurance Law Section - Fall 2023 Student Writing Competition
The Insurance Law Section of the State Bar of Texas (“Section”), through its governing Council, is requesting submissions for itsFall2023Student Writing Competition (the “Competition”) to be coordinated by the Law Student Writing Competition Committee (the “Scholarship Committee”).
The Competition is a state-wide competition, open to written submissions of articles (the “Submissions”) by law students from any of the ten accredited law schools in Texas, specifically:
Baylor University School of Law
South Texas College of Law Houston
Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law
St. Mary’s University School of Law
Texas A&M University School of Law
Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law
Texas Tech University School of Law
The University of Texas School of Law
University of Houston Law Center
University of North Texas at Dallas College of Law
Through this Call for Submissions, you are invited to submit student-authored papers on an insurance law, insurance coverage, and/or insurance-law related topic of the student’s choice and at the student’s discretion.
The Submission word limit is 2500, and page limit is ten (10) pages double-spaced, 12-point font, with 1” margins all around. Submissions exceeding the word or page limit will be ineligible for consideration.
AlawstudentmaymakeonlyoneSubmissionfortheFall2023Competition.MultipleSubmissions by a student during the Competition will render all Submissions by that student ineligible for consideration.
Scholarships Awards will be presented to “Statewide Winners” and “Best of School Winners” (collectively, the “Winners”).
The Scholarship Awards for the Statewide Winners will be based upon ranking of the best Submissions as determined by the Review Committee, and shall be:
First Place: $4,000; Second Place: $2,000; Third Place: $1,000
The deadline for Submissions of student papers (“Submission Deadline”) is receipt by the Section on or before 11:59 p.m. CDT on Friday, December22, 2023. Submissions should be emailed Details of the Competition Procedures &
Guidelines are available at Procedures & Guidelines will prevail over the terms of this Call for Submissions, to the extent of any inconsistencies.
- Award
- $4000, $2000, $1000
- Deadline
- 03/31/2025